Saturday, 18 October 2014

Life.. An unanswered Question!!

Life is very very uncertain. I mean no one actually knows what's coming in future we as human beings are very weak we surrender infront of our fate.. Now I know there are people who try to fight for their ownselves or their lives but they end up doing compromises on their pre decided fate one way or other.
This happened to me all the time I mean I  could brag all about myself claiming that I make my own decisions and I make my own destiny but that's so absurd of me probably idiotic too if I take a look at my past everything in my life was decided by someone sitting above the skies writing my future changing my situations, people around me, putting me through challenges. I thought I never had the power to confront any but they all passed and put down time to time.
This post isn't about me this is actually about a friend who just turned 17 couple of months ago and on my utmost request he went for blood donation the guy is very healthy very beautiful and lives a healthy life style there was absolutely no reason for me to know that he would be having any serious disease till the time blood reports came and he was been told that he is HIV positive.. Yes
Filthy truth he has a full life ahead of him but yet he is stuck with this thing for his life. His family doesn't really know but I wonder what'd happen when they'll know. This is what life does it changes everything in just a second and you can't really control anything leaving you very weak and vulnerable.

I'm there for him as a friend and trying to talk him through things but I'm helpless at a stage too. 
 However it's just a thought everyone no matter what age group or sexual orientation he falls in should get himself or herself tested so that he won't really play with other lives. 
We can be helpless for our misery but we can do things so that no one actually suffers through the misery we put them in.


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